Online - 'FIX Photo Festival Awards 2020' LA Noble Gallery, Online Exhibition :

‘Fix Photo Awards 2020’ is an online photographic exhibition hosted by LA Noble Gallery, which centres around the theme of ‘Still Life’.

My image ‘Untitled, Still Life’ is currently on display as part of the awards show, after being selected as a winning entry by the five guest competitions judges; Shahidul Alam, Laura Noble, Jennie Ricketts, Manuel Rivera-Ortiz & Yvonne De Rosa. This image was created during a period of experimentation which eventually lead to the creation of my series ‘Studies in Still Life and Landscape’ which can be found on my website here.

Photojournalist and Competition Judge Shahidul Alam shared his thoughts on the exhibition, saying; “In a contradictory world where being judgemental is an anathema, we are subjected to tests and rites of passage throughout our lives. Interviews, exams, and memberships of clans are designed to selectively include. The act of being a judge in a photo contest is an uncomfortable one. It assumes that photographs can be quantified and packaged and weighed against one another. The medium resists such categorisation. The most provocative photographs refuse to be hemmed in. The joy of seeing that resistance is one of the pleasures of being in what might otherwise be an uncomfortable role. Some images went quietly into the boxes that had been created for them. Others kicked and yelled. It is the images that screamed the most that we present to you. Some will call them winners. I call them rebels.”

The ‘Fix Photo Festival Awards 2020’ opened on the 08th of October and will continue until 31st December. You can visit each of the four virtual galleries included in the exhibition here.

For more info on FIX Photo Awards & LA Noble Gallery visit -


IG : @fixphotofestival / @lanoblegallery

TW : @FIXPhotoFest / @LANobleGallery

Special Thanks -

To Judges - Laura Noble, Shahidul Alam, Jennie Ricketts, Manuel Rivera-Ortiz & Yvonne De Rosa.

To Sponsors - Genesis Imaging & KIVO 3D.